Health Office

The school nurse or health aide are available to help you with health concerns throughout the day. If you become ill or injured, ask a teacher to sign your planner pass to go to the health office. The health office will contact the persons designated on the emergency card if you need to go home or receive medical attention. 

Student Illness Procedure

Students that become ill during the school day should report to the health office. A parent or guardian will be contacted if needed. If a student wants to contact a parent/guardian it will be done from the health office phone. Please do not text health information back and forth with students on their cell phones.

Physical Education Excuses

Students may be excused from Physical Education for up to one week with a parent or guardians note. A Medical Doctors note is required if a student cannot participate for longer periods than a week.

Is my child well enough to go to school?

Diagnosis Reporting Form

Please let us know through this form if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Please also call your school’s attendance line (for students) or submit an absence in Skyward (for staff) if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

COVID-19 Diagnosis Reporting Form